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Presented by Videotage, Electron – Music X Video Performance, the finale of the Microwave International Media Arts Festival 2004 will be held at Habits (3/F Western Market, Sheung Wan) on Nov 20th.
Featuring video screenings, animations and interactive visual performances by video artists including Seba Lallemand, Wilson Cheung, ST Demos, Emergency LAB, Remus Siu Fat Ng and six performing acts, including Pixel Toy, Vibration, Dj Teoh, Symposium 4H, Kar-Fai Samson young and Carlyshemoss, the show will be performed at the roof top of Western Market for one night only!
Don’t miss out on this exciting crossover media jam event! Come and join us to hear, to see, to cheers and to dance!

錄影太奇將於11月20日(星期六)假上環西港城3樓Habitus舉辦Music X Video Performance,恭請你拭目洗耳淨身見證電氣道功力。將電子化為影像音樂,以通達人身心四肢五官,令觀者閉眼憑耳能聽影像,關耳憑眼能看音樂,至使身體機巧矯捷,似可一分為眾,眾合為一,隨影像音樂肆意舞動,此為電氣道。

五個錄像創作單位:斯巴 • 拉勒蒙、鄭子仲、ST Demos、緊急實驗室、小肥,加上六個音樂單位:PixelToy、Symposium 4H、壞碑唇、DJ Teoh、楊嘉輝、趙穎明,以影作刀光、以音作劍影,揮灑氣力血汗,與互動影像、錄像、DJing一起放進大熔爐,提煉出最教人揮霍精神體力的Music X Video Performance。自可靜觀其變,然若偕友把酒言歡,定能體會音不獨為音,影不獨為影,身穿錄像,腳踏拍子,與音樂影像交叉感染,親身體驗電氣道。

event details /

Music x Video Performance
Date: 20 November 2004
Time: 8pm – 12 pm
Venue: Habitus