Performance: Sound Processing表演:聲音經過特別處理
Audio-visual media record time and space via synchronised sound and images, shaping our perception of unfamiliar environments through sight and sound. The thunderous roar of a sacred waterfall, the high-pitched and prolonged whistle of a steam train valve, bustling voices within a foreign marketplace— even in the absence of our physical presence, we can imagine these sounds just by viewing corresponding images. Audio-visual content we encountered is likewise already woven into our memories, intertwined and thus difficult to single out on an individual basis.
Which type of experience would arise if we treat images as independent entities and generate sound from them? Hong Kong-based artist Fung Wing Lam explores this same concept by using multiple cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions to display images, combining them with solar panels and contact microphones and transforming image-derived light and vibrations into sound. Sound and image thus remain synchronised, but sound textures are entirely different. Undulating waves become a fluctuating rustling sound; a speeding car emits a short, powerful hum; the sound of workers hustling at a construction site becomes an on-and-off beat. In the signal-conversion process, these ordinary images give rise to an indescribable soundscape always hidden within the images and remaining unnoticed until now.
若將畫面視為獨立的存在,並以此生成聲音,會帶來怎樣的體驗?本地藝術家馮穎琳以此為概念,運用多台映像管電視(CRT TV)呈現影像,並結合太陽能板與蜂鳴片(contact microphone),將影像的光與震動轉換為聲音。在這裡,聲畫依然同步,但所呈現的質感卻截然不同。起伏不定的海浪,轉化為載浮載沉的沙沙聲;前方急速飛馳的車,駛出短促且有力的低吟;工人在工地上埋頭苦幹的身影,卻變成有一搭沒一搭的拍子。尋常影像在訊號轉換的過程中,衍變出無以言喻的聲景——它們原本就隱匿於影像之中,只是未曾被察覺。
event details /
18:00 | 8.2.2025 (Sat 六)
18:00 | 9.2.2025 (Sun 日)
Artist | 藝術家:Fung Wing Lam 馮穎琳
Curated by | 策劃: Doris Poon 潘韻怡
Registration Link | 登記連結:
Free Seating. Online Reservation is needed. 不設劃位,請登記留座。
Presented by | 主辦: Videotage 錄映太奇
Supported by | 資助: Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局*
* Videotage is financially supported by the HKADC. 錄影太奇為藝發局資助團體。
* Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. 香港藝術發展局支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。