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biography /

Shake received a DNSEP degree from l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Paris-Cergy, and later obtained a MFA degree in plastic arts at Paris 8 university.

Experimental moving images and film installation are Shake’s main medium, she exploits cinematic writing as the methodology to experiment the moving image narrative. She focuses on the relationship between the fact and the fiction in the narration and the representation of History. Her works often feature multiple discussions: the studies of variety historical documents concerning Asian geopolitic, folklore, myth and pop culture; the experiment on film language, semiotic thus its institutional mode of representation; and the construction and the interpretation of collective/personal memories. These studies are presented in a kind of mutual involvement and mutual expression, which makes her works have a qualitative characteristic of becoming between fiction and non-fiction, reflecting how the personal history could be constructed under the state power, education, culture and globalization order. Shake has done multiple international artist residencies, and her works have been exhibited in Europe, Korea, Japan, the US, etc.


作品媒材以實驗影像與電影裝置為主,以電影書寫(cinematic writing)作為實驗影像敘事的方法。藝術實踐在於關注歷史敘事與再現中的真實與虛構,以及兩者之間的關係,思考的議題始終圍繞在幾個方面:亞洲地緣政治歷史與民間歷史、神話、大眾流行文化的文件檔案研究;對電影語言、符號和再現系統的實驗;還有集體/個人記憶相關的建構與詮釋。這些研究方向以一種相互牽連、互為表裡地方式呈現在作品中,使她的影像作品具有在虛構與非虛構間的流變特質,反映出個人歷史在國家政權、教育文化與全球化秩序底下的建構。多次國際駐村交流經驗,作品曾在歐洲、韓國、日本、美國等地展出。