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AU Sow Yee區秀詒

biography /

Born in Kuala Lumpur, Au Sow Yee now lives and works in Taipei. AU’s works focuses mainly in questioning, exploring as well as expanding the relation between images, image making, history, politics and power, through video installation and other mediums. A finalist for the 2018 Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation Signature Art Prize, Sow-Yee is one of the guest writers for online magazine No Man’s Land and co-founded Kuala Lumpur’s Rumah Attap Library and Collective in 2017.

區秀詒的創作主要以錄像、觀念、裝置等混合形式,探討和擴延影像與影像製造以及和歷史、 政治、權⼒之間的關係。⼊圍「2018 年亞太釀酒基⾦會傑出藝術獎」(Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation Signature Art Prize,簡稱亞太藝術獎)。作品曾在⾸爾MMCA、東京森美術 館、柏林HKW、曼⾕⽂化與藝術中⼼(BACC)、上海外灘美術館、新加坡國際電影節、韓國 ⾸爾國際實驗電影節牯嶺街國際⼩劇場藝術節等展覽與電影節發表。目前為「數位荒原」的 特約作者,吉隆坡「亞答屋84 號圖書館」共同創辦⼈之⼀。