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CHEN Ting-Jung 陳庭榕

CHEN Ting-Jung陳庭榕

biography /

Ting-Jung Chen (*Taiwan) uses sound installations, sculptures, and interventions as language.
Her art praxis which relates to historiography and cultural and political semiotics, focuses on collective memories, appropriation, and processes of empowerment. By reproducing artifacts of the culture industry, representation of ideology, and their relationship to human beings, the artist explores transformations of identity and draws the overlapping culture mingling into a spatial atlas.

Chen is the recipient of DAAD Artist Program 2023, MAK-Schindlers-Scholarship 2019, Visual Arts Scholarship 2020 from Federal Chancellery of Austria, the Judges Award of the Taipei Arts Awards 2015, and the Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2018. And she has been awarded various other fellowships and grants.

Her works have been shown in numerous venues internationally, including: Belvedere 21erHaus, Vienna; Kunsthalle Wien; Kunsthaus Hamburg; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts; Taipei Fine Art Museum; Digital Art Center, Taipei; Parallel Vienna; MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles; 18 Street Art Center, Santa Monica, U.S.A. among many others.

陳庭榕(台灣台北) 的作品紮根於她對文化差異、政治符號,及其在變形文本中衍生的混種聯覺的反思。藉由對歷史片段和文化工業人工物的複製重置,探索著記憶、挪用、賦權與政治身份在全球化移動性社會中的呈相與轉型。或慣習、徵徽、手勢、修辭、 節奏;或聲響、話語、行為、影像、物——藝術家藉由聲響、雕塑以及場域介入,將消費材料與非物質性指喻,結為空間裝置,展演出發聲多重社會音譯及覆疊時空經緯的立體寰圖。

陳庭榕是2018維也納市立美術館獎的得主,也是許多獎項計畫的獲獎人:2023 DAAD藝術家計劃、 2020奥地利聯視覺藝術獎學金、2019維也納應用藝術美術館MAK-Schindler獎學金、2015台北美術獎 入選等等。

她的作品被不同的國際展館展出: 維也納美景宮21er Haus美術館、維也納市立美術館、台北市立美術 館、國立台灣美術館、台北數位藝術中心、橫濱黃金町藝術節2017、洛杉磯MAK藝術與建築中心、加州 18街藝術中心……等