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TAO Hui 陶輝

TAO Hui陶輝

biography /

Tao Hui was born in Yunyang, Chongqing, China. He graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a BFA in Oil Painting in 2010 and currently lives and works in Beijing, China. Tao traversed into the art of video and installation, drawing from personal memories, visual experiences and popular culture to weave an experimental visual narration, the focus of which is often our collective experience. Running throughout his work is a sense of misplacement vis-à-vis social identity, gender status, ethnicity and cultural crisis, prompting the audience to face their own cultural histories and living conditions. He won the special award of Contemporary Art Archive from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2008 and ‘Art Sanya & Huayu Youth Award’ in Sanya in 2015. He also won the grand prize of 19th “Contemporary Art Festival Sesc Videobrasil”, and was shortlisted for “HUGO BOSS ASIA ART Award for Emerging Asian Artists” and International Competition sector of the KINO DER KUNST festival in 2017. In 2019, he is shortlisted for the inaugural Sigg Prize. Tao Hui has exhibited solo exhibitions at OCAT Xi’an, China and UCCA, Beijing, China. His works have also been exhibited and screened worldwide, include: Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France; MACRO ASILO, Rome, Italy; Pino Pascali Museum Foundation, Polignano a Mare (BA), Italy; Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; Belem Cultural Center, Lisbon, Portugal; The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Geneva, Switzerland; Contemporary Art Festival Sesc Videobrasil: Southern Panoramas, São Paulo, Brazil; Hong-gah Museum, Taipei; Kyoto Art Center, Japan; Asia Culture Center(ACC), Korea; National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea; the 4th Vancouver Biennale, Vancouver, Canada; Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China; Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China; Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China; 11th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China; Para Site, Hong Kong, China.

陶輝1987年出生於重慶雲陽,畢業於四川美術學院的油畫系,現工作生活於北京。雖然畢業於油畫系,但陶輝的作品以影像和裝置藝術為主,從個人記憶、視覺經驗和大眾文化中積累素材,通過提煉與改造形成嶄新的敘事模式和影像風格。陶輝從社會身份、性別地位、種族問題和文化危機等問題入手,以荒誕、弔詭、誇張的場景搭建,充滿隱喻和錯位感的人物設置,呈現出當代人的集體經驗,帶動觀者正視自身的文化歷史、生存現狀和社會身份。他曾於2008年獲得四川美術學院的「當代藝術檔案特殊獎」,並在2015年榮獲三亞藝術季華宇青年獎評委會大獎。 2015年陶輝在SESC巴西錄像藝術節「南部全景」單元上獲得特獎,又於2017年先後入選HUG0 BOSS亞洲新銳藝術家大獎和KINO DER KUNST電影節「國際競賽」單元。 2019年,他入圍首屆由香港M+展亭成立的希克獎。他曾在OCAT西安館和北京尤倫斯當代藝術中心舉辦個展。他的作品亦在不同的國家和地區參與展出與放映,其中包括:巴黎蓬皮杜藝術中心、巴黎路易威登基金會、羅馬當代藝術博物館、波利尼亞諾Pino Pascali基金會美術館、萊比錫當代藝術博物館丶里斯本貝拉多收藏美術館、日內瓦當代藝術中心丶聖保羅SESC巴西錄像藝術節、台北鳳甲美術館、京都藝術中心丶韓國國立亞洲文化殿堂(ACC)、韓國國立現代美術館丶第四屆溫哥華雙年展丶北京紅磚美術館丶北京民生現代美術館、上海外灘美術館、第11屆上海雙年展、香港Para Site藝術空間。