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Beyond The Screams: Mas Alla de Los Gritos: A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary
Beyond The Screams: Mas Alla de Los Gritos: A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary

Beyond The Screams: Mas Alla de Los Gritos: A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary

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Mas alla de los Gritos (Beyond the Screams) is a 1999 documentary film featuring the Latino,Chicano punk movement from the late 1970s up until the early 1990s. Producer Martin Sorrondeguy singer of hardcore punk bands Los Crudos and Limp Wrist, also founder of record label, Lengua Armada Discos, documentary film director and a prominent figure in both the straight edge scene and the queercore scene, illustrates the repurposing and remixing of punk music in the major Latino cities on the U.S. This one of a kind documentary sheds light on the political D.I.Y. philosophy which aims to empower youth to emancipate themselves from society’s oppression. The film is composed of interviews and live performances. The film focuses on the struggle of Latino,Chicano against globalization, poverty, and identity

about the artist /

Martin Sorrondeguy was born in Montevideo, Uruguay and was raised most of his life in Chicago, Illinois. He has an MFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Martin was the lead singer of the Latino punk band named Los Crudos who toured the U.S., Mexico, Europe, Japan, and parts of South America.


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