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Geminoid Tear
Geminoid Tear
Geminoid Tear

Geminoid Tear

Single-channel Video
production year /
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Adaption from a scene from Jean Luc Godard’s film Le Mepris.
An android couple question their love….

The actors in this work are android copies of existing humans. They were created by android scientist Hiroshi Ishiguro and his team at ATR Intelligent Robotics & Communications Laboratories. Kyoto, Japan. In 2010 I spent several months hanging out with these robots and their creators.

一對仿生人情侶質疑它們的愛。作品根據尚盧高達執導的電影《輕蔑》(Le Mepris)的一個場境發展而成,在位於日本京都的ATR智能機械人及通信實驗室所拍攝。

about the artist /

Robert Iolini is a prolific media artist, filmmaker, composer and radio producer. His creative experience incorporates eighteen years of producing innovative and meaningful time-based media works that are stylistically diverse, and united by a philosophical approach. Robert makes work about humans and how we behave in contemporary cultural environments. His artworks embrace music, cinema, poetry, anthropology, video art, sound art and documentary. His ongoing transmedia work The Hong Kong Agent is representative of his multiform approach: It exists as video art series, short film, gallery installation, radio feature, online interactive and Augmented Reality. Robert is also an internationally recognised composer whose work encompasses a wide range of musical idioms and is constantly evolving in new directions. He has written for chamber ensembles, theatre and composed numerous large-scale acousmatic works for radio. Many of these radiophonic compositions have been nominated for international awards including his piece Hong Kong: City in Between which was a prizewinner in the Soundscapes (be)for(e) 2000 festival in Amsterdam. Robert spent ten years as musical director with multi-award winning arts organization, Big hART. He has two critically acclaimed solo albums released on British avant-garde music label ReR Megacorp. Robert holds a Master of Arts degree in advanced composition at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia. His thesis was on Simultaneity in Music.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]