How to Become a Filmfreak in Seven Easy Lessons
In seven easy lessons you get to know everything you need to know about filmmaking – not from anyone, but from the people who really know.
From Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, Robert de Niro, Woody Allen, Marcello Mastroianni and many other stars. They help to answer essential questions: What makes a good script? Wherein lies the task of a good director? How do I get over the crisis of the stars – and my one ones? And what is the cost of all that?
Deep insights are expecting you – but not only statements are made by the filmstars, no, finally it is accomplished to move them, to communicate. Overcoming time and space a real dialog takes place.
In short: Everything you always wanted to know about filmmaking but never dared to ask – here are the answers.
Only one question is left unanswered (to cite Jack Palance): „That´s wonderful for you and me – but you think the public is going to understand it?“
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