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Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海

Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海

Single-channel Video
production year /
duration /

“To go, or not to go?” In the past decade, Chow Yiu Fai once has witnessed a northbound movement of many fellow cultural practitioners, and maybe, it’s the time to ask this question again. In this documentation of an academic research project during 2014-2015, Prof Chow interviews twelve Beijing/Shanghai-based Hongkongers – from the well-known novelist Chan Koon Chung who wrote the “China Trilogy” to a post-90s film student from Peking University. A self-reflective journey on (re-)searching cultural identity of the otherness, multi-opportunities and limitation of creative experiences in the brave new world, also, basic ethics and mission of professionalism in cultural industry.

(This work is a collaboration with Chow Yiu Fai)

「走,還是不走?」過去十年,周耀輝曾經見證身邊不少文化人選擇北上,也許,是時候再一 次提問。2014-2015年進行的大學研究項目紀錄片段中,周耀輝訪問了十二位在北京及上海 工作生活的香港人——從「中國三部曲」小說家陳冠中到北京大學讀電影的九十後。一次自 我反照旅程,關乎重索他者文化身份、勇闖新世界創作機遇與局限、文化工作者之底線與使 命感。


about the artist /

Lo, studied Diploma in Design from the Swire School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic. Then on-and-off worked as full-time and part-time cultural worker and journalist – as reporter, photographer, designer and contributor for newspapers, magazines and publication in Hong Kong. Based in Beijing from 2008-2017, first as cultural feature director for Modern Media Group then freelancing for different media and projects, pop or alternative, as ‘a teleporter between hk and beijing’. Since back to our city, Lo has been involved in the ‘archaeology’ of hong kong visual art & cultural scene.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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