Move_ 2.1 & 2.2移.動_2.1 &2.2
The video《MOVE》mainly into three parts. The creation background is I moved to one place to another place constantly since childhood, ceaselessly come and go in two or three cities. Move by subjection initiative and get away from the purpose to feel by heart. In the trip, we are often keep watched on what we did and where we gone but we can’t focus some of the real feeling by heart and the apparent angle is hidden from careless.
The video《MOVE》Part 2.1 is during my growth, I leave form my home city to other place for travel、study and live, I reflect the relationship between self and birthplace through the move.
The video《MOVE》Part 2.2 want to express is the competition by myself during the move.
《移・動》的影片創作的背景是作者本人從小經歷不間斷地從一個地方遷移到另一個地方,或從一個地方奔向多個地方的過程中內心產生的情感。 主觀能動地移動,不帶目的地感受移動給予自身的觀照。旅行或者移動的時候途中能夠影響我們情感的因素實在太多,有的時候往往只著眼於我們做了甚麼,去了哪些地方,卻呼略了在移動的過程裡移動隱含的視角和給予自身的感受。
《移・動》的第2.2部份,出門在外是一種競爭,不同事件的視角都是對於自身無形的牽扯 。第三部份的拉扯的伸縮是有彈性地、能夠鬆緊來回伸展的。路途之中有許多的身不由己的、需要自我調節的事情,在來回拉扯的掙扎過程中,尋找到屬於自我的真實體會。
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