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NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 2018 2018牛俊強個展
NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 2018 2018牛俊強個展
NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 2018 2018牛俊強個展
NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 2018 2018牛俊強個展
NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 2018 2018牛俊強個展

NIU Jun-Qiang Solo Exhibition 20182018牛俊強個展

Single-channel Video
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Is there the possibility of correlation between the intangible synesthesia in artistic experience and the abstract experiences in faith? Now that art is heavily relying on the sense of sight, after the sense of sight is removed from us, how could we get the experience from artworks?


In this experimental documentary, director (Niu Jun -Qiang) introduces his artworks with a blind person in an empty gallery, the artworks reveal with “what God is”, “how God looks like”, and “how it feels like in His presence” and came up with a series of works in images. The conditions that are relative and yet reflective to each other, such as “emptiness” and “nothingness”, “blank” and “being” as well as “existence” and “eternity”, co-exist in the video.


Aristotle once said, “…The reason is that this (sight), most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.” “Blind” is not the inability to see, but the alternative existence of something once in visual form, just as “the existence of God” Niu Jun-Qiang talks about in this film.


Niu Jun-Qiang excels at showcasing indescribable, abstract perceptional experiences via image narrative. Through means of metaphor, audience will be slowly guided to an intricately-designed space. Through residual or implied traces in the space, symbols and relationships that are indescribable in language shall become the portals for audience to pass through the consciousness and dive into the inner space of their own.



「2018 牛俊強個展」延續「2015 牛俊強個展」與「2014 牛俊強個展」,不另起展名,純然地回到時間的軸線,展名不是一個主題的集合,而是更聚焦與反映了創作者的生命狀態。在展覽中牛俊強延續2015年對「盲」的詮釋,加入討論藝術中的無形共感和信仰中的抽象經驗相 似之處,對視覺作為一種存在的形式的辯證。


這個展覽可以分為兩個部分:第一個部分藝術家從東西方宗教中對神的型貌、信仰的形式,提出三個問題:分別討論了「神是什麼?」、「神的外貌?」、「祂臨在的感受」,他創作了一 系列作品,來回應這三個問題。


第二部分在展覽的現場,藝術家與策展人實驗了一個新的展覽方式。觀眾在展覽現場看不到實 際作品,是空的展場。展場中播放一件紀錄影像,牛俊強以口述影像的方式,引領一位視障者 (許家峰),在空無一物的展場,告知作品的位置、形貌、概念和製作過程。觀眾藉著這個影 像,去感受作品的存在。展場不是展示作品之處,而是承載幽靈的「作品」自身。展場成為影 像的結局,虛體空間(影像內的空間)與實體空間被巧妙的串接起來。



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]