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Post #MeToo 後「#MeToo」
Post #MeToo 後「#MeToo」
Post #MeToo 後「#MeToo」

Post #MeToo後「#MeToo」

Single-channel Video
production year /
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This film animated coloring pages of the audience. Around 230 people joined Phoebe Man’s socially-engaged art “Free Coloring If I Were” (2018) responding to the #MeToo Movement. Imagine with empathy if they were a victim, a perpetrator and a bystander.

Thanks for all the participants!

Concept and Director: Phoebe Man // @manchingying
Animation Director: Siu Fong // @sewfont
Animation Assistant : Solar So // @solar_illus , Lau Kwong Shing // @cowcowtony Sound Artist : Barry Law

「後#MeToo」串起觀眾的填色紙製成動畫。約230人參與文晶瑩的社會交往式作品「釋色 如果我是」(2018),以同理心回應#MeToo運動,想像自己如果是受害人、侵犯者、旁觀者…


概念及導演: 文晶瑩 // @manchingying
動畫導演:蕭方// @sewfont
動畫助理:蘇嘉遠 // @solar_illus,柳廣成 // @cowcowtony 聲音藝術家: Barry Law

about the artist /

Dr. Phoebe Ching Ying Man is a conceptual artist, media sculptor and independent curator. Her most recent edible sculptures and performance Birthday Cakes (2014-15) were included in a show organized by the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and were also invited to show at the Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle. Her installation Erosion of Home (2015) has been invited to show in an exhibition curated by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei. Her works have been shown at over a hundred exhibitions and festivals internationally, including the Venice Biennale, Shanghai Biennale, Gwangju Biennale, European Media Art Festival, Videobrasil International Electronic Art Festival, Impakt Festival, International Video & Multimedia Art Festival: Videoformes, etc. She has received awards from the Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards, Asian Cultural Council, Hong Kong Museum of Art and Philippe Charriol Foundation. Marie Claire magazine has selected her as one of the ten “Smart Women of the 21st Century”.
Man’s works are mostly self-exploration, challenging ideologies and institutions. The sanitary napkin flowers series installations and video work Rati have received popular recognition. She was the co-founder and board member of Para/Site Art Space and is the director of Asian Experimental Video Festival in Hong Kong.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]