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River, River 江河水
River, River 江河水

River, River江河水

Single-channel Video
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這是繼短片《別賦》後再一次想去三峽拍的東西。 拍攝「別賦」正是三峽工程前期的拆遷和移民的場景,時隔兩年多再一次到三峽看到的是沿岸一馬平川的工地和它後面一如既往的江水,在幾年之後這些地方將林立現代化的碼頭和城市高樓,所以自己把拍攝的背景放置在這樣一個正在建設的工地中,一是三峽工程是近年來發生在中國的大事件,二是它還是代表了中國正在建設中的一種現狀 ,三是作為自己作品一個延續的線索。片中的川劇表演和記錄現場融合在一起,工地和舞台在一起,過 去和現在在一起,時間和現場的交錯,這是關於三峽二期工程的我的記憶。 (文 / 陳秋林)

River River is the result of my desire to shoot another video about the three gorges after Farewell Poem. At the time of Farewell Poem, the three gorges dam construction had lead to huge demolitions and mass migrations. Two years later the banks were flat and empty, waiting for the rise of high buildings and modern docks. The reason why I chose to shoot River, River against the background of these construction sites is threefold. 1. The three gorges dam construction is a huge project in China. 2. It represents the development process in China. 3. It is a continuation of my own work. The appearance in the movie of Sichuan opera amidst present life conditions, construction site and opera stage, the past and the present, the misplacement of time and scene,… all these represent my memory of the second stage of the construction of the three gorges dam. (text by Chen Qiulin)



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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