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Suck, Blow (a)
Suck, Blow (a)

Suck, Blow (a)

production year /
duration /

In Suck , Blow, the director alters the perception of the urban space through the act of breathing.

about the artist /

LEUNG Chi-wo was born in Hong Kong. He graduated with a MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997 after studying photography study in l’Istituto per lo Sviluppo Socio-Economico dello Spilimberghese in Italy and an internship in the Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst in Ghent, Belgium. He has done a few exhibitions in Hong Kong, New York, Melbourne, Tokyo, Oslo, Vienna, Hamburg and Toronto, etc. Awards received include the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship (1997) and Urban Council Award of the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial (1996). In 2000, he has held a solo exhibition in the Queens Museum of Art, New York. In 2001, his site-specific project was exhibited in the Hong Kong Pavilion in the Venice Biennale.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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