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VMAC Forum - Mental Health and Extended Reality VMAC Forum - 精神健康與虛擬實境

VMAC Forum - Mental Health and Extended RealityVMAC Forum - 精神健康與虛擬實境

International Symposium

VR always focuses on first-person and immersive experiences. How can we better understand mental health through extended reality? Also, how extended reality helps us to introspect and confront our sentiments?

In Mental Health and Extended Reality, we invite cross-disciplinary artist-curator, Wong Chi- yung, and Project Officer of VReach, Kale Chen, to share his art project about mental health.



event details /

Date: 28/10/2021 (Thur)
Time: 4 pm (HKT)
Speakers: Wong Chi Yung, Chen Chi Kin Kale
Moderator: Chung Wing Shan

Wong Chi Yung

Chi-yung Wong is a cross-disciplinary artist-curator whose work covers experiential installation, light installation, creative education, and cultural exchanges between the arts and sciences.
Since 2016, Chi-yung has lived between Hong Kong and Europe in order to create and curate cultural exchange projects with several European art organizations, such as the Theatre of Liege, Belgium, West Kowloon Cultural Authority, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Zurich University of the Arts, ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Artists-in-Labs Program (Zurich) and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
Wong was selected by Yale University as an artist-researcher in 2020 to curate art and mental health projects. He treats art creation as a catalyst and actively works at the intersection of art and science to enhance the conversation between academic and art practice as well as promoting the cultural exchange between Europe, US and Hong Kong.


The V-Reach Project, funded by the Koo’s Giving Charitable Foundation, provides Virtual Reality (VR) based vocational training for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (PWA). The project aims to strengthen the PWA’s career planning, interpersonal skills and adaptation skills in workplace and enhance their employability.
The project also provides Virtual Reality (VR) workshops for employers to enhance their understand on the needs of PWA and promote acceptance among workplace.

: 28/10/2021 ()
時間 : 4 pm (HKT)
講者 : 王志勇、 陳嗣堅
主持 : 鍾詠珊


王志勇,跨學科藝術家及策展人,工作範圍包括體驗式裝置、燈光裝置以及創意教育,強調藝術與科學之間的交流。過去四年 , 王氏積極推進藝術及學術上的交流,與他的合作單位包括:比利時列日劇院、西九文化局、香港藝術中心、蘇黎世聯邦理工大學、蘇黎世藝術大學文化研究院實驗室計劃和香港演藝學院等等。 最近,他被美國耶魯大學選為2020年度藝術研究員,負責策劃及探討藝術與精神健康的項目。王志勇視藝術創作為催化劑,致力拓展藝術與科學多元化合作的可能性同時加強學術與藝術實踐之間的對話,促進歐、美、香港的文化交流。


新生精神康復會承蒙顧積善堂慈善基金資助,為自閉症譜系障礙而智能健全的人士開創虛擬實境技術(Virtual Reality, VR )的職前/在職訓練,讓他們可以作出職涯規劃,訓練職場社交能力及工作技巧,以提升就業/持續就業的機會。 此外,計劃亦為企業/公司提供虛擬實境心認識自閉症人士工作坊,讓僱主/僱員了解如何與自閉症人士溝通及工作,協助他們融入職場及社會。