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NIU Jun Qiang牛俊強

biography /

NIU,JUN-QIANG was born in 1983. He graduated with MFA in New Media Art from Taipei National University of the Arts. His artworks mainly focus on the video, film and mixed media installations. He is also the assistance professor of Communication of design in Shih Chien University, and director with Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan (AVAT).

During the creative process, Niu has investigated the incredible relations between materiality and spirituality which in our life consciousness from the individuals to groups. He has worked with different sorts of participants to narrate their past experiences for the creation of a more united, joint experience.

Niu Jun Qiang’s artworks have been featured in the short film competition at the Rotterdam International Film Festival (the Netherlands), Osmosis Audiovisual Media festival (U.K.), Pixilerations Tech Art Exhibition (U.S.A.), the Aguilar International Short Film Festival (Spain), Tours Asian Film Festival (France), ARTchSO Video Festival in Rennes (France), It Takes Four Sorts: Cross-Strait Four-region Artistic Exchange Project (Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival,Taipei Arts Awards in Taipei…etc). His works also had been showed in Paris, Berlin, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Mexico, Seoul, Beijing, Shenzhen. He won the 53rd Worldfest-Houston, Remi Award, Experimental Film & Video Art Film, 2020.

牛俊強 畢業於國立台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所,從事錄像和平面複合媒材創作。目前工作於台北,為實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系助理教授,另於台灣視覺藝術協會(AVAT)擔任理事。


曾參與鹿特丹國際影展金虎獎短片競賽、FAFF錄像藝術節、英國Osmosis 錄像藝術節、美國Pixilerations新媒體藝術展、紐約 cutlog 藝術節、西班牙Aguilar影展、法國Tours亞洲影展、法國ARTchSO錄像藝術、日本東京Interdisciplinary藝術節、韓國光州ACC Asian Arts Space Network Show、兩岸四地藝術交流計劃、台北金馬影展、台北美術獎、台灣國際錄像藝術展、台北電影節等國內外藝術節和影展展出。作品亦在柏林、伊斯坦堡、特拉維夫、俄羅斯、墨西哥、首爾、北京、深圳等國際重要城市發表。曾獲頒第53屆美國休士頓國際影展最佳實驗電影,第42屆金穗獎最佳實驗片,第35屆金穗獎最佳實驗片,及第十七屆台新藝術獎入圍。