Dream Delivery夢中的投遞
An exhausted delivery rider sprawled on the bench of a roadside park and fell asleep safe and sound. In the dream composed of a long take, laborers gathered together in a Shanzhai park in the desert where dynamic riders became static “statues,” forming a contrast with the speed and efficiency they pursued inexhaustibly around the clock. The all-star lineup of contemporary laborers revealed the other side of the Chinese economic miracle: In an increasingly homogeneous urban life infused with technology and wealth, new kinds of labor and social exploitation surface — byproducts of society’s never-ending mobility and a world of speed without rest, sleep has become a costly risk for these mobile people. In surreal and extremely realistic dreams, the artist made an attempt to capture the elements of fatigue and anxiety in this era — ceaseless mobility day-to-day is frozen in the virtual world, while unremembered faces in real life deserve close-ups in imaginary dreams.
一位已疲乏到極點的外賣小哥癱倒在街邊公園的⻓椅上,熟睡了。而在被⻓鏡頭所虛構出的夢境中,這些個體的勞動者們被聚集在荒漠中的一處山寨公園里:在這里,奔波的外賣騎士成為了靜止的 塑像 ,形成了與他們日夜疲於追求速度與效率的反差。這些原本離散的當代勞動者的集體出場,指向了中國經濟奇跡的反面:在技術與資本共謀下愈發同質化的城市生活,及其所造成的新型勞動與剝削 不能減速的移動和無法停止的勞動,睡眠成為了這些移動者們所無法承受的風險。在超現實卻又極端寫實的夢境中,藝術家試圖去捕捉到倦怠與焦慮 在現實中一直移動著的人,在夢里應該一動不動,在現實中從未被記住的臉,在夢中應該被給予特寫。
All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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