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It’s All Yours
It’s All Yours
It’s All Yours
It’s All Yours

It’s All Yours

Single-channel Video
production year /
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From documenting the state of the green guided line for the friendly Qilou around the outer ring of Snail Alley in Tainan’s Zhongxi District, the artist observes the irrelevant policies and conflicts along the boundary line as an outsider. This kind of familiar social ecosystem leads him to reflect on the stalemate through repetitive labor, pondering with the sound of using a straw continuously.


about the artist /

He enjoys reading the process of materials autonomously recording abstract information, thereby detaching himself from a subjective perspective and wandering through various thoughts. Through the act of painting, he deepens his perception of life and associations beyond mere symbols, responding to a state of pure existence. His artworks imaginatively document the serendipity of being present, diverging from the central theme while seeking a state of balance and embracing the unexpected, becoming a tool that prompts digression, responding to the limitations of systems, and coexisting with the resistance of effectiveness.

He founded WURE AREA in the Kowloon Bay industrial area, which encourages exploration of observation patterns beyond habitual ones. From the perspective of artistic practice, it embraces the interplay of thoughts through language and feelings within this specific medium.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]