Videotage Logo
Men, Fire, Money and Flag
Men, Fire, Money and Flag
Men, Fire, Money and Flag
Men, Fire, Money and Flag

Men, Fire, Money and Flag

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In 2016, I started working with game engine Unity3D for creating something in between game and sound. In fact, I am not so sure what I can achieve with game engine — after all, I am not a game designer. But I have realized that game engine have changed my own practice with sound gradually. Men, Fire, Money and Flag (2018) can be seen as my on-going experimentation on this paradigm between sound and video game. In this work, I attempt to create a grotesque scene that reflect and constitute certain relationship between Hong Kong and China.

about the artist /


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]