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Study for Putianzhixia Mofeiwangtu 普天之下 莫非王土

Study for Putianzhixia Mofeiwangtu普天之下 莫非王土

production year /
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(Chinese version only)

《普天之下·莫非王土》:歷史上不同時期,各個國家關於世界格局都有不同的想象,歷史上不同時期各國繪制的地圖在國界上都存在巨大的差異。這些信息引發了我關於“地緣政治”的重新思考。尤其是《詩經-小雅》篇中“普天之下,莫非王土”這句話,引發了我用藝術的方式為這個世界提供一個“新秩序” 的可能。

about the artist /

Wang Guangyi. Born in Harbin, China (1957). Graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts (formerly the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts), Hangzhou, China (1984). Currently live and work in Beijing.

In 1980s, he attended and organized North Art Group, in 1990s, he create Great Criticism series which have wide influence in international art world. Selected group exhibition: China Avant-garde (1989), 45th Venice Biennale(1993), 22ed Sao Paulo Art Biennial (1994), Aperto 95, Avant-gardes Artistiques Xinesses in Santa Monica Center d’Art (1995), Begegnungen mit China in Ludwig Forum Fur International Kunst (1996), Magie der Zahl-In der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts in Staatsgalerie (1997), Alors, La Chine? in Pompidou Art Center, China, the Body Everywhere? In MAC Marseille (2004), Reshaping History in China International Exhibition Center (2010), Art Changsha in Hunan (2015) , BUSAN BIENNALE (2016), “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World”, in Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York/Bilbao, US;Solo Exhibition in: OCT-Contemporary Art Terminal(China, 2008), Louise Blouin Institute of Louise Blouin Foundation(The U.K, 2008), , Today Art Museum(China, 2012),Museo di Villa Rufolo(Italy, 2014), MAC contemporary Art Museum(Spain, 2015), Museum of Contemporary Art(Singapore, 2016),Museum of Luxun Academic of Fine Arts(China, 2016), United Art Museum (China,2016), Prague City Gallery(Czech,2018), XUNWAY Art Space(Tongji University,China,2019, National Gallery of Armenia(Yerevan, Armenia, 2019), How Art Museum (Shanghai 2019) etc.

Works are collected by Tate Museum, UK. Guggenheim Museum, USA.; Museum Sammlung Essl, Vienna; Kunst Der Gegenwart, Austria; Carmen Thssen-Bomemisza Collection, Spain; Museum Ludwig Koln, Germany; Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Germany; Sigapore Contemporay Art Foundation, Singapore; Foundation Catier pour L’art Contemporain, France; The Ford Foundation, USA.; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA.; Gortesia Pacific Asia Museum, USA.; Allen Memorial Art MuseumUSA.; Armenia National Museum, Armenia; Nusantara Mordern and Contemporary Art Museum, Indonesia; M plus museum(Hong Kong), He Xiangning Art Museum(Shenzhen), Guangdong Museum of Art(Guangzhou), Minsheng Art Museum(Beijing), Shenzhen Art Museum(Shenzhen), Today Art Museum(Beijing), He Art Museum(Shunde), Chengdu MOCA, Long Musuem(Shanghai), China Academy of Art(Hangzhou), OCT-Contemporary Art Terminal(Shenzhen) , Taikang Art Museum(Beijing), United Art Museum(Wuhan), Song Art Museum(Beijing), Hubei Museum of Art(Wuhan), Star Museum(Shanghai), Yuz Art Museum China(Shanghai), etc.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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