East is Red
East is Red was presented at the 1993 Fukei Video Biennale. The curator, Danny Yung, wrote, “The one minute long ‘East is Red’ is made in one shot with a stationary camera. The only ‘still’ image is a lighter (which is made in Japan) in the center with a blurred television screen as background. The lighter which is also a music box has the photo of young Chairman Mao imprinted on it and plays the music to ‘East is Red’. After repeating the song two or three times, the lighter falls from the screen, leaving an blurred television screen. The image of the lighter, light from a blurred television screen, and the music to the song ‘East is Red’ without its lyrics, all connote light or brightness. Yet with such a superficial touch on the subject matter, it seems to convey sarcasm and skepticism.”
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