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Farewell Poem 别賦

Farewell Poem别賦

Single-channel Video
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Wanxian City my hometown, one old migrant-city from Three Gorges, I pay close attention to the fact, there eyes naturally, recording is because of thinking fondly. In June, 2002, the production unit passed Wan County, Yunyang, Fengjie, Wushan, the ancient town Dachang, shooting for 14 days, ” Farewell Poem” while cutting this short film for 9 minutes out finally. Have several parts in the film: first , record removal and the immigrants’ actual life of these cities; record soon or already Three Gorges site of ancient culture remains that destroy, passage of Beijing Opera ” Farewell My Concubine ” of performance among site these; third, artist oneself’s performance passage in pulling down the ruins. Three part these interweave, stay among film, taking leave of two kinds of different historical backgrounds, the same helplessness mood, there is no dialogue inside, there are only true records, this is the words without sound. This stretch dedicates one’s own parents and people living on the land there as them to liking deeply. (By Chen Qiulin)

萬縣是我的家鄉,是三峽大移民的城市之一,我自然把眼睛關注到了那裡, 記錄是因為懷戀。 2002年6月,攝製組經萬縣,雲陽,奉節,巫山,大昌古 鎮,歷時14天的拍攝,最後剪出9分鐘的這部短片《別賦》。 片中有幾個部分:一是記錄這幾個城市的拆遷和移民們的現實生活;二是記錄即將或已經被破壞的三峽文化遺址,和在這些遺址中演出的京戲《霸王別姬》的 片段; 三是藝術家本人在拆除廢墟中的表演片段。 這三個部分在片子中交織在一起, 兩種不同歷史背景下的別離,同樣的無奈心情,裡面沒有對白,只有真實的 記錄,這是沒有聲音的說話。 此片獻給深愛自己的父母和像他們一樣生活在 那邊土地上的人們。 (文/陳秋林)



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