Meditating at the Central Point of the Kingdom在帝都中心點 凝思暗擾
Wandering along the median axis of Peking, from north to south, from the Sun to the Purple Star, the delicate body is disquieted by torrents of history among noises in the ruined labyrinth. The Chinese Sky has been the mirror of almighty powers cutting across orbits of time and space. Meditating the Forbidden City at the central point of Peking, the Celestial Emperor is waiting for changing colour of future firmament. Unto darkness, mind and thought disappears deep down the heart – Gate of Heavenly Peace.
沿北京中軸線散步,從北往南,從太陽到星月,置身迷陣躁亂雜音中,被歷史狂流所打擾。穿越時空經緯,中國天空從來鏡照無上權力。在帝都中心點高處凝思禁城,魂魄靜 待穹蒼正大光明。黑夜將臨,思緒消匿於天安門心底。
about the artist /
Lo, studied Diploma in Design from the Swire School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic. Then on-and-off worked as full-time and part-time cultural worker and journalist – as reporter, photographer, designer and contributor for newspapers, magazines and publication in Hong Kong. Based in Beijing from 2008-2017, first as cultural feature director for Modern Media Group then freelancing for different media and projects, pop or alternative, as ‘a teleporter between hk and beijing’. Since back to our city, Lo has been involved in the ‘archaeology’ of hong kong visual art & cultural scene.
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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