受Todo Ramon雕塑的啟發,兩種材料在互動中產生了對比卻又形成了一種互為而生的連貫關係。Antithesis的主要特徵是它水平的木材結構,金屬在木材上響應著音樂而生成無盡的景觀。
Antithesisis an animation,custom software aimed at creating a new visual form to translate music into visuals. The term “Antithesis” implies two opposing materials, metal and wood, the confrontation of which forms the main focus of the project.
Inspired by Todo Ramon’s sculpture, the images visualized in Antithesisform a coherent relationship between organic and designed geometries. The main characteristic of Antithesis is its horizontal endless wood structure, and the ever-evolving abstract metal forms in response to the music along this endless landscape.
videotage programme history /
about the artist /
Kachi Chan is an artist and researcher who navigates the spaces between the physical and digital worlds. His exploration takes form through computational design, digital realities and robotics. His research primarily focused on employing cultural informatics to recast social issues artistically, all while giving voice to lesser-known perspectives within systems.
Kachi was a recipient of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence, which enabled him to pursue advanced studies at the Royal College of Art and Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London.
Kachi’s research-driven artistry has gained significant recognition, including an Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica, the Bartlett Medal, OPPO Renovators Creativity Award, and the Arts Council England Project Grant. His work has been presented at notable events such as Ars Electronica Festival, ISEA International, SIGGRAPH and London Design Festival.
Kachi is currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University where he teaches histories and theories within media art.
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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