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ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’
ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’
ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’
ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’
ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’
ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’

ARKIPEL x Videotage - Special Screenings: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ARKIPEL x Videotage - 特別放映會: ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’

21/08/2024 - 03/09/2024

Videotage is proud to present ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’, two screening programmes during ARKIPEL 2024 this August. A total of 14 works by 12 artists hailing from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Macau will be screened.

Organized by the Indonesian artist collective Forum Lenteng, ARKIPEL International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival is an annual film festival that aims to provide the space for public critique and mapping the development of contemporary cinema. Now in its eleventh edition, this year’s theme is ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’, which imagines the festival as a place to stimulate the audience through multiple senses, and then make connections with the filmmakers’ perspectives on seeing the world.

In 2024, Apple released Vision Pro, which seems to make us less subservient to screens by bringing the interface to our eyes, but we look more blinded when we try the headset on. In the same year, the Indonesian government began moving its civil servants from Jakarta to Nusantara, and the ongoing development of the new capital will forcibly transplant people’s familiar way of life to a remote forest. Do we really have the power to make sense of the world? And how will we make sense of the changing landscape around us?

In line with this year’s theme of ARKIPEL, Videotage’s screening programme ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’ presents works that explore how urbanization or technology changes our relationship with nature. Do people living in the concrete jungle recall the sensation of wet dirt under their feet? How do they relate to animals in this artificial environment? How do they adopt the emerging artificiality as the new normal?

Hong Kong artists Jess Lau and Yuen Nga-chi will take part in a post-screening discussion. The programme will be held in English.

Featuring Carla Chan, Chen Qiulin, Cheng Xinhao, Elaine Wong, Hsu Chia Wei, Jess Lau, Lo Lai Lai, Lin Tzu-Huan, Morgan Wong, Samson Wong, Yuen Nga Chi, Yves Etienne Sonolet

錄映太奇將於八月的ARKIPEL國際紀錄及實驗電影節舉辦兩場放映會,主題為 ‘(maybe) somewhere to go’。放映會將呈現12位藝術家的14套作品,橫跨香港、中國、台灣、澳門等地。

ARKIPEL是由印尼藝術組織Forum Lenteng主辦的年度電影節,致力為當代電影提供大眾批判及摸索發展路向的空間。電影節本年進入第十一屆,主題為‘Garden of Earthly Delights’,旨在以電影刺激觀眾的多種感官,再聯繫到作者的世界觀。

2024年,蘋果公司發佈了Vision Pro虛擬裝置,將電腦介面帶到我們的眼前,我們看似不再臣服於螢幕前,但我們戴上裝置時似乎更像是被蒙蔽。同年,印尼政府開始將公務員遷到努山塔拉,加上正在全速進行的新首都建設,勢必一夜間將一堆人熟悉的生活方式強制移植到遙遠的森林。理解世界的權力,真的掌握在我們手上嗎?當熟悉的地方變了樣,我們又會如何重新適應?

為切合ARKIPEL今年的主題,錄映太奇在‘(maybe) somewhere to go’期間放映的作品圍繞在都市發展或科技進步下,我們與自然的關係面臨甚麼轉變。住在石屎森林的人還記得雙腳踏進濕漉泥土的感覺嗎?人們可以怎樣在人工環境中重新與動物聯繫?新興的人工產品會否慣化成我們的新日常?



event details /

Date 日期: 27/8/2024(Tue 二)、30/8/2024(Fri 五)

Time 時間: 7:00pm (GMT+7)

Venue 地點: Forum Lenteng, Jakarta, Indonesia 印尼雅加達

Language 語言: English 英語

Moderators 主持: 鍾詠珊 Chung Wing Shan、Phoebe Wong 黃小燕

Speakers 講者: Jess Lau 劉清華(27/8),Yuen Nga-chi 袁雅芝(30/8)

資助 Supported by:

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council*


Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.