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TSUI Hou Lam 徐皓霖

TSUI Hou Lam徐皓霖

biography /

Hou Lam Tsui (b. 1997), is an artist based in Hong Kong. Her work encompasses a wide range of mediums, including moving images, installation, sculpture, and text. Her practice centres around gender, emotions, body, and personal experiences. Drawing inspiration from pop culture, anime, and TV commercials, Tsui critically explores the tension between agency and consumer desires and rethinks how capitalism shapes the commodification of bodies.

Tsui received a BA in Fine Art and History of Art from the University of Leeds in 2018 and an MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2024. Selected recent exhibitions include Follow the Feeling (Times Museum, 2024), One is not born a woman (Square Street Gallery, 2023), Post-Human Narratives—In the Name of Scientific Witchery (Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, 2022), and Noble Rot (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2021).

徐皓霖(生於1997年)現於香港生活及工作。她的作品涵蓋多種媒介,包括流動影像、裝置、雕 塑和文字,創作實踐圍繞性別、情感、身體和個人經歷展開。她亦從流行文化、動漫和電視廣 告中汲取靈感,重新思考和探究能動性、消費慾望和身體商品化等概念。

2018年畢業於英國列斯大學,獲藝術及藝術史文學士;2024年獲香港中文大學藝術碩士。部 分近期展覽包括「跟著感覺走」(時代美術館,2024年)、「One is not born a woman」(Square Street Gallery,2023年)、「後人類敘事——以科學巫術之名」(香港醫學博物館,2022年),以 及「貴腐」(Para Site藝術空間,香港,2021年)。